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Hacker Image

How often a cyberattack occurs

Every 39 seconds

Social media users that experienced a cyberattack


Data breaches in the US throughout 2020


Online users that are victims of account hacking

More than 20%

What is Concerning?

Data breaches in today's data-driven world can affect hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people at once. As the supply of data moving has increased due to digital transformation, so have data breaches as attackers exploit the data-dependencies of everyday life. Below are some examples of data breaches that occurred with big companies.
Facebook data breach (2019)

Records affected: 540 million

What was compromised: phone numbers, user names, genders, and locations

Damages: leaked account information

Summary: Multiple Facebook databases were found to be unprotected by passwords or encryption, meaning anyone who searched the internet could find them. The databases cover multiple locations, including the U.S., the U.K., and Vietnam. Facebook announced in 2018 that it would make changes to "better protect people's information," yet this incident occurred in 2019, showing there were still flaws in their security systems.

First American Financial Corporation data breach(2019)

Records affected: 885 million

What was compromised: bank account numbers, bank statements, mortgage and tax records, social security numbers, wire transaction receipts, and driver license images

Damages: charges from the New York State Department Financial Services (NYDFS)

Summary: This data breach was unique in the sense that there was not a breach in the company's servers, but an authentication error, meaning no authentication was required to view documents. There was a common web design error called Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR), which basically means that anyone who searches the direct link will have access to it. Once a single link is found, cyber criminals can use Advanced Persistent Bots (APBs) to collect and index the remaining documents. This error went undiscovered for years. The New York DFS alleges that First American failed to follow its own policies, neglecting to conduct a security review or a risk assessment of the flawed computer program.

U.S. Office of Personnel Management data breach (2015)

Records affected: 21.5 million

What was compromised: Social Security numbers, fingerprints, and highly sensitive information used for background checks

Damages: extremely personal information stolen

Summary: The OPM was the victim of two cyberattacks in 2015. The first attack led to stolen government employees' information, including names, birth dates, home addresses, and social security numbers. The second led to stolen sensitive information of current, former, and prospective federal employees who had background checks. Information in background checks includes interview findings, mental health records, financial history, and other information, but there is no evidence that shows this data was impacted.

Twitch Data Breach(2021)

Records affected: 7 million users (potentially)

What was compromised: The entirety of Twitch's source code, three years of payout reports for creators (including high-profile creators, all of Twitch's properties (including IGDB and CurseForge), code related to proprietary SDKs and internal AWS services used by Twitch, the identity of an unreleased steam competitor from Amazon Game Studios - “Vapor”, twitch's internal 'red teaming tools', used by internal security teams for cyberattack training exercises.

Damages: 125GB of sensitive data was posted via a torrent link on the anonymous forum 4chan.

Summary: Twitch, an Amazon-owned company, had almost its entire code base compromised. The exact impact of the incidents has yet to be determined, but given the depth of compromise, it has the potential to affect all Twitch users. The security vulnerability that enabled the breach was a server configuration change that allowed unauthorized access by third parties. This has now been resolved.

Effects of Data Breach

The occurance of a data breach have severe consequences that affects the system and its owners that may result in the following:
Unauthorized Data access
The heaviest consequence of data breach is the access of personal and private information of the system's users. This usually happens through either network-based or social attack.
Decrease in Sales and Company Reputation
The occurance of a data breach in a company decreases the confidence level of customers. This results to decrease in sales and company reputation that is difficult to recover from.
Legal Penalties Against the Organization
After the event of a data breach, the company can be held responsible for the security breach which may result to legal actions against them. The cost of such action can be substantial, especially for small-medium companies.
Online Vandalism
Some data breaches are done for entertainment purposes. For this reason, hackers temper sites with false information or deface a website.
All of these events question our privacy over the internet. Is our data safe? Is our name, age, location and contact currently being sold on the dark web? Do we really have privacy over the internet? Are we being watched by some stranger right now?

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Digital Privacy

img Protection of an individual's information used or created using the internet defines digital privacy. Privacy incorporates two crucial elements-- our state of being alone and not being watched or interrupted by others. To have digital privacy and confidentiality of all information and data should be protected and be the core values of all tech companies. Digital privacy also covers the protection and expectation of having your behavior and location not tracked and that using our digital devices can leave digital footprints.

Importance of Digital Privacy

Why Should We Care About Privacy Protection?

Most of us use different types of social media and are vulnerable to exposing our personal information as we post on social media. Sometimes, we fail to realize that we are revealing more of our personal information to others than what we are okay with. We must be aware that even our private conversations can be leaked to the public if we are not careful, and there's a possibility that our hackers will change our credentials to the point that we cannot access our accounts anymore.

Cybercriminals can access and violate users' data as they can make a profit by getting their passwords to different accounts or using it as blackmail to get money from victims. Cybercriminals can also sell stolen data on the black market across most countries.

Benefits of Privacy Protection

It keeps your information safe.

Privacy protection protects your browsing history, account credentials, private messages, transactions, etc. If there's no privacy protection, all your personal information is valuable to cybercriminals.


Make any Wi-fi network safe

A hacker can utilize the network to access your personal information. Privacy protection tools like VPN will hide your IP address and prevent the ISP from monitoring your activity. The VPN will also hide your private information and make a Wi-Fi connection secure to your device.


See Fewer Ads

Online advertisements can also redirect you to any suspicious links online. Privacy protection tools like Ad Blocker can remove a website's distracting ads and make the page easier to read and load.


Issues with Digital Privacy

Most people who surf the internet are not aware of how susceptible they are to the dangers of the internet. Most of them are unaware that they are voluntarily sharing their information to the public due to the fact that they do not know what data privacy is. Keeping data means keeping it isolated within the person-service relationship. Alas a lot of people leave their personal information public and here is where data privacy issues come in. Here are some of the major and most common data privacy issues:

On the internet there are things called “cookies”. Cookies can track multiple visits to the same site over time. Most of the time this tracking is for advertising purposes only. The information web owners gain from this allows them to suggest other items that might interest visitors. But sometimes this information is used by cybercriminals to carry out unauthorized activities risking your online existence.

As mentioned in above cookies mostly are used in advertisements but there are some internet sites that need your personal information and these sites often store cookies and save your personal information and later use it for various purposes and most of the time the information saved is not encrypted and can be accessed by anyone. The mishandling of this information will surely be taken advantage of by cybercriminals which may lead to serious consequences.

Ways To Protect Your Digital Data

About Us

We, Pagina, started this site for our project about web development. We chose to tackle data privacy as our topic because we aim to spread awareness about the importance of data privacy. We strive to let others know that our personal information online is vulnerable to being exposed online if we are not careful. We are not doing this mainly just for compliance's sake. We do this because we want that the content of our website will be helpful to others.
Team Members
Meet the Pagina team. Hover or click on the images to see more.
Jethro Estangki

Jethro Estangki

Web Designer
Raphael Del Rosario

Raphael Del Rosario

Web Designer
Matthew Ventigan

Matthew Ventigan

Web Designer
Kiefer Sanchez

Kiefer John Sanchez

Web Designer
Manmeet Singh

Manmeet Singh

Web Designer
Maynard Milo

Maynard Milo

Web Designer
Louie Mejia

Louie Mejia

Web Designer